
SIC Project Funding Application
(must be received two months prior to event date)

Name of registered student organization: 
Purpose of organization:
Project/Event name and dates:
Rationale for funding request:
Description of project/event:
Benefit of activity to students (the benefit will have to be for ALL UTHealth Houston students):
Estimated total cost (required attachment: proposed itemized budget with justification for expenditures):
Funding Status (list other sources of funding):
Advertising (how do you plan to advertise this event to all students at all of the UTHealth Houston schools):
Event Registration (how can students sign up for this event):
Previous events (have you previously organized this event? If yes, please provide the date and what was the attendance of students from each school? What is your expected attendance for this year?):
Contact Name(s), Phone Number(s), and Email Address(es):
Person completing application (name and contact information, if not already listed):
Needed response date:
Please submit this form along with a proposed itemized budget with justification for expenditures and a soft copy of the flyer below. You will receive an email confirmation that the SIC has received your application.

If approved:
  • SIC requests acknowledgement of support of the project through any advertisement that goes out to the UTHealth community. Also, the SIC requires that an article about the event (with pictures if available) be submitted no later than two weeks after the event to "sicgov@uth.tmc.edu" and cc SIC Treasurer, Shreyas Ranganath (shreyas.ranganath@uth.tmc.edu), with subject line "Project Funding Article." Reimbursement will not be processed until an article is received by the SIC.
  • The organization MUST submit ORIGINAL receipts of expenditures WITHIN 30 DAYS of the event. If UTHealth facilities are used, an invoice dictated by UT guidelines must also be submitted (i.e. UT printing services, UT catering, etc.). Reimbursement and invoicing procedures can be obtained by contacting Cindy Collier (Cynthia.R.Collier@uth.tmc.edu) in the Auxiliary Enterprises Office, REC 110, phone 713-500-8407. Please refer to the Use of Student Government Funds Guidelines found on the SIC website.
Upload your proposed itemized budget with justification for expenditures below:
Upload a soft copy of the flyer to the Student InterCouncil:
SIC Funding Request Checklist
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